Yellow Moon: the Ballad of Leila and Lee
by David Greig
A modern day Bonnie and Clyde tale by David Greig for young audiences. It was performed at the Alma Tavern in Bristol and at the Edinburgh Fringe in 2011.

Design: Rebecca Jane Wood
Music: David Ridley and Becky Ripley
Lighting: Thomas Gilbert
Produced by Harriet Layhe and Katie Croft
Cast: Jonni Ash, Daisy Black, Kyle Major, Joe Newton Helen Vinten
"The adept acting skills of the protagonists bring this play to an intensely heated and dangerous denouement." ★★★★ Three Weeks
"Tightly and imaginatively directed" ★★★★ Venue Magazine
"Stylized and heightened direction is interspersed with subtle performance work and a powerful economy of's an irresistible piece of theatre." The Playgroup
"Simple, unpretentious and beautiful, Yellow Moon is a real treat. " Ed Fringe Review
"Poetic language and powerful performances" ★★★★ Guide2Bristol